Monday, August 18, 2008

Carrier Bag Success!

Worried about supplying carrier bags to your customers? Don't want to seem like you don't care for the environment but want to give something that will last? There are thousands of bags that could be used as a carrier. The word 'carrier' does not mean plastic and thus you could most definitely consider other types of bags.

A great new idea is the cotton shopping bag or some business have started using brown paper bags. Both of these are just as good and offer fantastic support for your products. The brown paper bags are great for lightweight items such as jewelery, accessories, shoes, lingerie etc and the cotton shopper is fantastic for heavier products such as clothes, crockery etc.

Not only will you be happy supplying bags that you know give great support for your products but you and your customers will be pleased that you are caring about your customers and the environment at the same time.

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