Thursday, November 20, 2008

6 Can Cooler Bag

There is a variety of promotional merchandise you can offer guests at a seminar, in your store, or at other places. These individuals appreciate the promotional merchandise that is offered and it helps keep them as loyal customers. To help you understand a portion of the promotional items you can offer to your consumers, we will discuss the 6 can picnic cooler bags.

The picnic cooler bags are a promotional item offering soft sides to allow 6 cans or other items to be placed in the cooler. They are small enough to work as lunch bags as well. The handy multifunction of some promotional bags really makes them more endearing to consumers.

With the picnic promotional bags you have soft sides made of polyester with an easy carrying handle. They are a great summer promotional item. The cost of these promotional bags is very affordable per unit, making the offer to consumers worthwhile to you.

The promotional bags come in a variety of colours such as blue, dark blue, red and orange with a white trim. The print area you have on the promotional bags is 120x70 mm. This space is large enough to offer your complete company logo to help remind the receiver of the promotional bags where it came from. As gifts or promotional items the promotional bags are going to help increase your business. They are very durable and good quality to further impress the customer, clients, and even employees of their value to your business.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Metal Promotional Key Rings

The metal promotional key ring is an option for a business gift or sale item. They are very durable products compared to other types of promotional key ring options. For example, the metal is harder to break and they tend to have a more sophisticated look than a plastic key chain. If your aim is to impress clients with your promotional items these key rings may do the trick.

Metal promotional key rings can have some design to them if you wish. YesGifts have hundreds of choices for you. Once you find the design you like, you can have your brand placed on the key ring for brand recognition.
The metal promotional key rings as we mentioned are more durable than some of your other options. The metal tends to be shiny as well. Many car dealerships have used metal promotional key rings in the past as a way to advertise their name further after someone has purchased a car. You certainly have that option.

The choice you make should offer the image you want your clientele to see. Therefore the metal should be of good quality. With us you can be assured of that type of quality. You also have more than just one design as we mentioned above. The design is really where the image and therefore advertising will come from. You don’t want just a square promotional key ring. It lacks an image and is rather boring. Make sure above all else that you appeal to the consumer audience.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mayfair Promotional Laptop Bags

Promotional laptop bags can do a lot for your business. We have discussed these many reasons in other blogs, but we still want you to know the options you have. In business you have leather, polyester, and other materials to choose from for product production. In promotional laptop bags that is no different. In fact with the promotional laptop bags you have a couple of product materials to choose from.
These materials are going to speak different stories and images. Leather is a durable material. It also speaks more about the quality and price than other options. It states that the business spared no expensive in the promotional laptop bags. You don’t have to go for leather every time though. In fact if your business is not going to find it cost effective, the other materials for promotional laptop bags may be your best option.
Polyester is durable. It just doesn’t give that air of elegance in most people’s minds. This is okay. Your business may not need it. The Mayfair promotional laptop bags are made with polyester. They are an alternative when leather is not an option for you. They come in black with many storage pockets. It doesn’t matter whether you are carrying business cards, a laptop, or writing utensils these promotional laptop bags have it all.
They will also be mobile advertisers for you with the logo on the front flap. It has a front flap with two hooks to ensure the bag stays closed with all items inside.