Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Promotional Gifts Statistics

Before investing in promotional gifts every business will ask themselves how successful they are in order to justify the spend. The answer to this all depends on a few very important factors:

1] What promotional gift you choose.
2] What you put on your promotional item.
3] Who you give the gifts to and how.

There doesn't seem to be many places where you can find out how successful promotional gifts are so YesGifts want to help you out. We want to give you our genuine opinion about what works best and how to make your business gifts most effective by answering the above questions.

Firstly and very importantly you need to choose the right gift, and finding out which gift is the right one will take a bit of research and analysis. Decide who your target audience is because the people you give the gift to will want or use different things. So for example if you are trying to promote a printing company then part of your target audience will be design agencies and as you can imagine giving a design agency a promotional first aid kit will not be a great success. How and when would they ever use it? You need to choose a product that the design agency would use daily and thus would see your message or logo every day. A promotional USB stick would be great, designers are always creating large files and needing to transfer them so you could imagine this gift being well received. I know its not very unique but a promotional mug would even be a fantastic gift, it is well known that designers tend to work long hours and thus drink lots of tea and coffee.

So once you've decided on the gift you then need to think about what you're going to put on it. You can trust YesGifts when we say that it does make a difference, a unique, funny or even creative print on your product will get your audiences attention and can even convince them to use yours instead of someone else's gift. Never imagine that you are the only business gifting products to your audience, the companies you are aiming for will have received gifts from hundreds of similar business, so you want to stand out!!

Then, finally, you need to decide how you are going to go about gifting them. This alone can make your gift fail or be extremely successful. Are you going to gift them to existing customers to show you appreciate their work? Or are you going to give them to potential new clients? Either way we would suggest that you gift them personally, showing that you are making an extra effort just for them will impress any business, make them feel important.

If you are looking to get new customers then get involved in events or conventions based around the businesses you are aiming at. Talk to them, put a face to the product and service, this is always a winner and will most definitely do more than cold calling or posting your items to random businesses.

Otherwise, if you are thanking your customers, have someone go out and visit them to make sure everything went ok, to take any comments and again to put a face to the company if you have not already done so.

As you can see there should be a lot of thought behind your promotional items and how you think about gifting will make your item a failure or a success. Make sure you have done your research and you have good reasons behind every choice you make.

We hope this helps and tell us what you think as well, have you had good experiences with promotional products?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Carrier Bag Success!

Worried about supplying carrier bags to your customers? Don't want to seem like you don't care for the environment but want to give something that will last? There are thousands of bags that could be used as a carrier. The word 'carrier' does not mean plastic and thus you could most definitely consider other types of bags.

A great new idea is the cotton shopping bag or some business have started using brown paper bags. Both of these are just as good and offer fantastic support for your products. The brown paper bags are great for lightweight items such as jewelery, accessories, shoes, lingerie etc and the cotton shopper is fantastic for heavier products such as clothes, crockery etc.

Not only will you be happy supplying bags that you know give great support for your products but you and your customers will be pleased that you are caring about your customers and the environment at the same time.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Top 10 Most Successful Promotional Items

Through extensive research, YesGifts has created a list of top ten promotional items that work best for most businesses. These products have been listed here for their successful nature, they are well received, are a great price and thus come within most businesses budget. They bring in more business than others and have fantastic durability and therefore continue advertising businesses for longer.

Top Ten
1] White Patch Handled Plastic Carrier Bags
2] Ad Loop Keyrings
3] Ultra Thin Fridge Magnets
4] Monza Pens
5] A7 Sticky Notes
6] Summer Breeze Ball Pen
7] Button Badges
8] Value Transparent Ball Pen
9] Promotional Stress Toys
10] Standard Balloons

This is a useful list to have for your future campaigns; using different, unique promotional gifts to catch peoples attention is great. However if you want durability and an item that will be used for long periods of time and bring in massive amounts of business, sticking to this list is a must.

Share this with your colleagues and other business buddies, make sure you are all within the know-how of promotional items and make sure you check back soon for more statistics about successful promotional gifts.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Make an impression!

Every company's aim when buying promotional items is to make an impression and what better way to do this than to give your potential customers a gift with a lasting impression. It is wise to consider relating your business with a fantastic smell or a superb feeling. Such products would include bath gifts, candles and incense, air fresheners, stress relievers and much more.

Once they have been used you can guarantee that the potential customer will think of you every time they use them or use others of a similar kind. They will link your company name or the image of your logo with the great smell of fizzy bath bombs or the feeling of being relaxed and comforted.

By doing this you are subliminally drawing these potential customers towards your services by making them feel they can trust and rely on you. They are more of a personal touch than gifting keyrings or umbrellas and will definitely be remembered.